Brain Connectivity Laboratory

This is the landing page for members of the C13 lab at the Institute of Neurobiology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla.

It contains important information on how we work here, and links to the tools of the trade.


Introduction to MRI lab: The Survival Kit

Welcome to the MRIlab website, here you can find useful links for better understanding of proper use of the cluster and introductory information for computational analysis (MRI, histology, etc).

Wiki MRI lab

A wiki is a website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser. Thus, our MRI-Wiki aim is to maintain updated content for the cluster usage, MRI analysis and other computational tools of interest.
This wiki is made and updated by all the members of the MRI-lab and for all of us. MRI-wiki lives inside this website repository on the github-wiki page.

BATMAN Basic and Advanced Tractography with MRtrix for All Neurophiles
R for data science The website for “R for data science”, an interesting book with examples and visualizations.
R graph gallery Hundreds of distinctive graphics made with R.
Connectopedia Connectopedia Explorer, the Interactive Atlas of Human Brain Anatomy, Vasculature and Functions.
Atlases/resources LEAD-DBS a list of useful human and macaque atlases cortical and subcortical.

MRI art

As a proof of our enthusiastic creativity you can find some artistic representations of our work performed by our lab members on this post.

C13 Friends

Laboratorio de imagen funcional cerebral
Laboratorio de Conectividad cerebral